Dr. Joel Aronowitz — Plastic Surgeon REACTS TO Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong!
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “We’re going to try something a little different. We’re going to react to some plastic surgery videos and the goal here is to try to get some educational value and enlightenment out of these videos and see what we can come up with. So for the first video here, Bridgette, do you want to kick it off?”
Bridgette: “This video is called ten worst cases of plastic surgery gone wrong. Very informative. This is quality. Can you hit play?”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So, here’s a woman who had buttock implants and the implants have slipped to a subcutaneous position so they’re quite large and you can see them very easily and also the pocket that they exist within is too big so they’re moving around and the woman can manipulate the implants and push it around. This is also why Brazilian buttlip or fat grafting the buttock is much more popular. It’s much better to use your own fat to augment the bottom versus an implant.”
Bridgette: “Totally. Let’s see what happened to Vishar. This is sad.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Well there are more than repeat appointments. There was repeat surgeries and the surgery looks like it destroyed the midline structure inside the nose which is this part that goes all the way back the septum. Do I know him?”
Bridgette: “Yeah.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “How would I know him?”
Bridgette: “I don’t know. You’re talking like you know him. I’m sorry.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “I can look and see that his septum and all the midline structures are gone. After the 21st surgery, his nose has been cut off. You know me?”
Bridgette: “He looks great. Wait was this pre-coded? So there are. Put the mask. This is what 22 surgeries have done to factor. This is not fair to nobody. Nobody should suffer.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So it’s interesting to look at his nose and figure out what is actually missing here. So we can see the ala on each side but the central part of the nose the tip and this part right here are missing and so all we’re seeing there is is the the two ala and there’s just a defect here and the reason that they have this big tube in is to hold that open so it doesn’t shrink down.”
TV: “The first surgery was in 2006 but afterwards his bleeding became a problem.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So he has a scar here because he had a nasolabial fold flap so this line between the nose and the corner of the mouth is called nasolabial and you can take sort of a tongue-shaped piece of tissue elevate it wrap it around and use it to create the tip of the nose and they tried to do that but it didn’t work very well in the in and I would also say you don’t really know what the full story is here if the if the patient had something going on that contributed or if it was simply a bad infection that occurred or overly aggressive surgery so for example cocaine can cause necrosis of the nasal tip.”
Bridgette: “Well I hope he’s getting better.”
TV: “Obsessed with looking to stay young, 48-year-old Miyuko would repeatedly visit cosmetic surgeons to get whatever treatment she desired until they were refused to continue seeing her. Still unsatisfied with how she looked, Miyuko ejected cooking oil to her own face and it wasn’t until things started going wrong that she sought the help of surgeons and doctors. After infection-”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Oh my goodness. I’ve seen oil injections and silicone oil injections.”
Bridgette: “Wait, wait, hang on. She did this to herself?”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Apparently or she had somebody do it. You can have you can go to these like back room plastic surgery clinics and non-doctors are doing all kinds of things. Silicone is one, oil is one, and also for breasts. I think you saw a woman who had oil injected her breasts with me.”
Bridgette: “I mean this is just. Do you think this is real?”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “No, you’re looking at pixels on the screen. So did those pixels represent an actual person? That’s a philosophical question.”
Bridgette: “Okay.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Do you understand the command?”
TV: “Number seven, Regine Norensi. In 2005, Regine desperately wanted to change up her look so much so that she’d rather than saving up for a proper surgeon she couldn’t afford yet, she went to a she wished to have injections in her cheeks, lips, hips, and cheek.”
Dr. Aronowitz: “Yeah and unfortunately this is not uncommon. Looks like they still did a good bit of harm.”
Bridgette: “Wow.”
Dr. Aronowitz: “Attractive. Oh my goodness.”
Bridgette: “Wait.”
TV: “That pain I’ll always say was like a toothache, labor pains, and from in a migraine.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So, here’s here’s what can cause this. There’s an infection can cause this similar to meningococcemia which causes a disseminated intravascular coagulation especially affecting the small vessels and the other thing, but I don’t think that’s what happened here, I think she had embolization. Embolization is when that substance that was injected gets injected into the bloodstream instead of into the space between blood vessels. So, in order to get out into the artery and clog the artery up, so we have one big artery the brachial and then it splits into two and becomes the radial and the ulnar artery. So, to block up the brachial artery or block up both of the forearm arteries you need to get into a directly into the artery. So yeah, because if you inject into one of the bigger arteries you’d have to inject up higher somewhere or you’d have to inject below and it go retrograde through the artery so you have to inject under pressure. Now if you inject a vein that substance can’t go through the vein back to the heart into the lung through the capillaries out of the lung into the left side of the heart and get pumped out. So just injecting the vein probably wouldn’t have done this.”
TV: “Number five Manique Allen. Manique originally born male has around 100 unregulated plastic surgeries and over 200 procedures in total since mean 22. This led to her becoming disfigured and disabled with more than 12 liters of plastic having to be removed from her body. Never being fully satisfying she spent more than a total of $100,000 throughout this entire process.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “There has to be some kind of image distortion. So, she has syn mastia and she’s got really gross contoured deformities across there.”
TV: “She still feels like more work to be done. Manique from the Abra, California has shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years striving to get what she craves. I was, definitely was that. I pushed my obsession to the limit. I think I was an Egyptian just like drugs and alcohol is an addiction. I’ve had my lips done. My hips done. There’s probably many many I can’t even remember. However, there is one surgery she certainly doesn’t regret as Manique was born a boy called Johnny before undergoing gender reassignment surgery.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Well, it’s nice to see somebody who had a gender reassignment who seems to be more comfortable as the other sex. They’ve mispronounced diverticulitis.”
TV: “So, but they accidentally stapled it to his bladder because of this we literally dealt with dick farts for two weeks. Yes, I did.”
Bridgette: “So, what is this?”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “So this is a this is a fistula, an abnormal connection between the colon and the urethra or the ureter. But the ureter is back there and it’s actually easier to get into it than you would think.”
Bridgette: “You can’t keep up with this stuff.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Well, it’s sad because you can see the the emotional anguish of these patients on their face or on their body, you know. And you wonder what kind of a surgeon would keep operating in a surgery. Oh, I bet somebody did tell her.”
TV: “She doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Why does she have bullets coming out of her head?”
Bridgette: “No, they’re piercings. Wow, not a good look for me.”
Dr. Aronowitz: “No, you can see her lip is not actually that big because she’s put either permanent permanent makeup or tattooing over here.”
Bridgette: “Look at that.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Are these real pictures?”
Bridgette: “I asked you that you said there’s some pixelated thing or not. Don’t you think that he can’t be real?”
TV: “The nose was fixed and Burns has continued to alter his appearance with makeup, tattoos, hundreds of injections and surgeries.”
Bridgette: “I don’t even know what to say.”
TV: “Lip implants that would change his face forever, that would take Pete Burns to the verge of death. The surgeon, Dr. Moizio-”
Bridgette: “Oh boy, this is a problem.”
TV: “I woke up after doing a song with him and my lip is at least 18 inches away from my face to level it. It was huge like this big.”
Bridgette: “18 inches?”
TV: “It swelled like a yubangi. But when you wake up and your Adam’s apple has come out here, burped in your jaw on one side of your face, it says swell. You can’t open your eye and there’s yellow discharge, not just leaking, squirting with a hiss. It would squirt from my face. It was like one of the worst science fiction or horror movies you could ever see. And with all that being said and done, that concludes 10 worst cases.”
Bridgette: “Wow, Dr. S.”
Dr. Joel Aronowitz: “Well, the only thing I would say here is that I don’t think you should call all of this plastic surgery as in plastic surgeons having performed them. These are all body altering surgeries and procedures that are misadventures. But I don’t know that any single one of them was done by an actual plastic surgeon. Hopefully not. I hope you got a little something out of that. And if you’re considering plastic surgery, don’t consider getting your surgery or your procedure done by somebody who is not a credentialed professional.
Bridgette: “Yeah, yeah, that’s good.”
Originally published at https://drjoelaronowitzmd.blogspot.com on February 12, 2024.